rants & ramblings

Friday, September 01, 2006

Daily View, 9/1

  • Dude, I don't see the damn BVM on this tree... wtf is with the visions lately???

  • And speaking of the faithful, Catholic.org has pretty shamelessly ripped off the NYTimes. Now, don't get me wrong, all of us friendly web designers lift code. It's just done. But then we put our own spin on it. At least change the columns or colors, for chrissake. Sigh.

  • Why does she do this Norma Desmond shit? I just don't get it... headwraps are wrong. In school these were commonly referred to as "tumor caps"... takes the chic right out of it, eh?

  • Some cool t-shirts from Substratum Apparel (though their site is both cool and frustrating. Zoom?). I won't name my source b/c he is the bane of my damn existence.

  • Awesome. I was mildly curious about the silverware show at the Cooper-Hewitt (yeah, yeah, there's another name but come on...), having researched the history of the fork (3 tines=excommunication!) for my virtual house of origins (sigh). Thanks to this video, I now don't have to go east to see this exhibit. My mild interest has been quite satisfied.

  • Well, damn. The Wicker Man (the new Neil LaBute version) is out and getting scathing reviews. I like Neil LaBute (and that doesn't make me a misogynist, thanks) but I feel bad for him—very few people can get anything decent out of Nicolas Cage. Does he really run around punching women in the face and screaming "Bitches!"?? Let's all get drunk and have a Wicker Man/Lady in the Water double feature. Please?

  • Am starting to notice the buzzword "transparent" popping up everywhere. Today's examples: the IRS isn't being very transparent about probing the NAACP and Disneyland isn't being very transparent with this whole fingerprinting visitors business (and a hearty WTF to both stories).

  • MoMA is celebrating the Huston family. All well and good (Anjelica rocks my world—I've only come to appreciate her slowly after years of being vaguely creeped out), but Danny Huston is a dead ringer for The Devil. Well, my personal satan, anyway. Everyone has that one ex who ends up "The Devil", don't they? Anyway, Danny is him. Voice, body, mannerisms, everything. Only Danny Huston has hair. It's unsettling as fuck and may prevent me from taking in what is likely an otherwise fabulous and well-deserved tribute to one of film's first families. Arg.

  • Am I crazy? I feel like I must have mentioned the Brooklyn Superhero Supply Company before, but I can't find record of it. Anyway, there is a superhero supply company. In (yuppieville) Brooklyn. Woo?

  • Starbucks has Intelligent Design quotes on its cups. First Sheryl Crow CDs, now this? The world smolders.

  • Make a movie. Maybe Netflix will distribute it. Yeah, that's right. Netflix. Who needs Weinsteins!

  • Isaac Mizrahi is so damn fabulous. He's the reason I came to New York (yeah, figure that one out. I know, it's an odd fit, but there it is). And he has new little magazine effort going on. My inner gay man has died and gone to heaven. As *g said, fittingly, "You love you some Isaac..." I do.
    Disclaimer: Though I do love Isaac, I don't support his liberal use of bandanas, animal prints, or Hepburnish cuts that end up making modern girls look matronly. No one can be everything to everyone, I guess.

Oh, and happy Labor Day Weekend, peeps. Here in NYC it's going to rain heavily the whole time. Inches and inches of Ernesto. Heh.


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