rants & ramblings

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Daily View, 4/6

  • Poison (no, not the band, fools) has always interested me. Dunno why. At one point in the late 90s I had actually created a virtual reality environment where two robots (one an Egyptian Queen, the other a young Victorian lady) would discuss the history of cosmetics (much of which involves poison) with you, the visitor. Dulcie, the Victorian (the Egyptian was named Shet or Shep or Natset or something... Jesus), was even programmed to consume arsenic wafers upon request. Wow. I am suddenly overwhelmed by my own nerdness.

  • Busted for singing along to London Calling. That just doesn't seem right. People are crazy.

  • Can you learn how to dress from a book? As someone who has 1) little working relationship with a professional wardrobe, 2) an untraditional body type and 3) no money with which to buy nicely made clothing or a personal tailor, I've always wondered. I even bought one of those books (damaged, in a discount bin, for like $1.99) to see. I'm still unconvinced.

  • This guy lost his T. Rex (and is clearly using the ads to pick up women... genius or ass? Or both?). And hey, it's a T. Rex video, I had to post it (even though NG videos never work quite right online... grr).

  • Mario stamps!

  • Hey, I liked Cargo too... it had cool gadgets (granted, the rest of it was useless). RIP. At least we still have its original sister Lucky (though the stickers are stupid, it's true).

  • I am drawn to kawaii crap like this Wireless Bunny Thing, much to my constant shame. Must... grow... the... fuck... up.......

  • Oh please, Graham Dolphin, every one of my art school sketchbooks (and those of my friends) looks like this. We're artists. When people force us to take notes, this is what happens. Come on.

  • What the hell is Parker Posey doing? First Blade Trinity, then that awful futuristic Frankenstein, now TV?!?! Sigh.

  • Poor Katie. While most of my pregnant friends have indeed looked oddly as though they're wearing fake baby suits at some point during the fateful 9, none of them ever quite reached this point.

  • Hey, I want a dicker on my Pod—that'd actually be pretty damn useful.

  • Yeah, I'm a sucker, but I miss taking baths (NYC apartments don't usually lend well to that sort of thing). Even though yeah, full on bathing is like stewing in your own soup, I'd still have fun, especially if there were pretty colors.

  • Awesome and creepy and wondrous futuristic plants with mechanical parts. (Just watch it. I can't describe it.)

  • Must remember to attempt to hit the BBG for the cherry blossoms. Because, you know, i was too lazy/busy/strapped/stressed to go to DC for them (sorry *g).

  • Slate waxes rightly on about why Kong bombed at the box office. And thank you: "Look closely at this Kong and, prodigious and finely detailed as he is, you'll discover nothing between his legs."

  • I feel obligated to post this about the Pulitzer Museum in St. Louis in order to make myself feel better about the fact that, despite semi-annual visits to my aforementioned hometown, I have never bothered to get down there. Sheesh.

  • I don't watch TV, so why do I even care about Katie Couric leaving Today? Mostly because Meredith Viera gives me the creeps. Always has. Full on willies. It's something about her mouth... seriously, she freaks me out. *shudder*

  • Even though, I have to say, I'm generally not a rabid fan of Boing Boing, contributor Xeni Jardin score points from me by using the line, "suck on this, Creationists!" and by featuring The Five Fists of Science (yeah!).


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