rants & ramblings

Monday, February 13, 2006

Daily View, 2/13

  • They've started selling iPods at 7/11. At this point I fully expect the road to hell to be paved with iMerchandise. In hell they will take away your white headphones and make you wear shitty cheap black ones like everyone used to before Apple succesfully installed their scheme of subtle social manipulation. I'm kidding—I love Apple. But come on, that's just one more thing to steal at 7/11. And who honestly wanders in for a Slurpee and a Nano? Sheesh.

  • These are almost naked animals, which is apparently their selling point. Put tighty whities on anything and... voila, successful ironic illustration. Sigh. I'm kidding—I love almost naked animals.

  • Madonna is totally selling me on this ludicrous leotard trend in her new video for Sorry. I hope to be able to pay professionals to make me look this good when I'm 45. However, I'm sure that even in my future state of aged fabulousness someone will happily pay me not to wear a leotard. I'm kidding—I love Madonna.

  • Mimobots now have ninja mimbots!!!! I generally support making inanimate objects fun and interesting by giving them faces, and really ninjas are always a good thing (mostly), but damn it, why did they have to do this love/hate hybrid thing? I feel no love. I am all hate. I want nothing but stars. A tiny USB ninja with hateful throwing stars for eyes and NO HEARTS ON HIS DAMN BACK. This time I'm not kidding—I hate hearts (and if I really wanted to I could buy this hideous shirt from Fred Flare to broadcast that fact).

  • Thanks to trusty Gothamist, I just learned of the phenomenon commonly referred to as Manhattanhenge, which is "when the sun's rays parallel the streets". The sunrise version just came and went, but the sunset versions that bookend the summer solstice will be on May 25th (my birthday!) and July 17th. Maybe we can sacrifice something (or someone). I'm kidding—I love pagans.

  • At Monster Mash you can vote for your favorite monsters. What's to say? I do love monsters, especially when they have tentacles. No kidding.


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