rants & ramblings

Friday, December 30, 2005

Busted, Daily View 12/30

A too too shaming moment in the lobby of Citibank this morning... Was standing in line for the ATM, minding my own and listening to my iPod. Because I also use my iPod as a portable hard drive, I have the 60GB version, which has plenty of room for all the 3000-or-so songs in my music library... the good songs and the bad songs. Maybe it was the pleasantly lulling sunlight filtering in through the windows, end of the year exhaustion, New Yorker apathy... dunno, but a moment of absolute silence fell over the lobby. Since I was blasting music into my ears, I felt the hush rather than heard it—it was one of those weird moments of stillness where people pause and glance furtively at each other to see if they're the only ones who've been hit, etc. It caused me to reach into my pocket and turn off my music, at which point the guy in front of me turned around, looked me up and down, grinned a smart-ass grin at me and said:
"You know, you really don't look like someone who would listen to N'Sync."

Fuck. I had nothing to say in my defense—the Pod was on random shuffle and Bye Bye Bye had indeed been the last thing playing. Like I said, the whole library... the good AND the bad. Sigh.

If my life were a movie, the guy would have been attractive, I would have come back with some snappy comment like "Well, my Norwegian electronica is in the shop" (??), we would have chuckled, got coffee and walked off into the sunset. As it was, the guy was a paunchy middle aged Dominican papi and I was too mortified to do more than blush and look pissy.

(For the record, I was wearing my standard daily uniform of ratty, ill-fitting jeans and miscellaneous black cotton clothing. Little knit hat, black military jacket, pirate vans. From now on I'll be sure to wrap myself firmly in volume-control paranoia before leaving the house. Sheesh.)

Daily View, 12/30 (a slim list today... things always get a bit less interesting around the hols).
  • I find these horrifying nails strangely fascinating. WHY would you do this??

  • I am a custard girl. Love the stuff. Must check out this place for some cheap eggy satisfaction.

  • Last night I discovered Draw A Pig. This provided myself and many Threadlessers with hours of entertainment. My pig drawing apparently reveals that I am a stubborn and distrustful yet friendly realist who remembers birthdays, is an OK listener, and sees medium amounts of sexual action. Sure, why not. Almost all of that is true.


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