rants & ramblings

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Yams, Sharks, Kerning, Wolf Parade

I encounter my roommate in the kitchen moments after rousing from the sleep of the dead.
"I hope I didn't just yam you," she says.
"Excuse me?"
"Did I wake you with my yam?"
"Your yam?"
"I've just roasted a yam."
"Ah. No, I was totally unaware of that," I answer truthfully as I fumble towards the caffeine.

I am not fond of yams. When I was 11 I read in Newsweek that there is an African tribe who eat nothing but yams and therefore have nothing but twins. Totally sold on the idea of twins, and figuring my eleven-year late start might not actually be too much of a handicap if I made an extra effort, I attempted to exist on yams. Yams are foul. I think I made it a couple of days and then admited defeat. If twins are in my future, it will have nothing to do with nasty yams. Hey, I'm already a Gemini.

Meanwhile, the Daily Candy girls tossed out this link today: www.greatwhiteadventures.com... SHARK DIVING, BABY! 1) This is totally on my list of things to do and now that this link has fallen into my lap (haven't actually started planning yet), I can start a Backpack page. Yes, I have some shark issues, and I'm stupid and under-adrenalized enough to believe that going down in a cage and getting bumrushed by a perfect, prehistoric-style carnivore will be fucking awesome. 2) The Daily Candy girls get some points from me. Honestly, I had no idea they were adventurous beyond trying new restaurants downtown. They would have completely won me over had they somehow worked a shark into their bullshit chick-lit style illustrations (part French poodle, part fashion sketch, part kindergarten... v. cover of mint green Bridget Jones wannabe paperback, etc.), but alas, that was not to be.

Totally unrelated, I thought this response to a poll about how to sexify design-related conversation/typographical pick-up lines was a bit of very silly genius: "I think we need to kern u and i a little tighter." Nice geeky variation on the old "let's rearrange the alphabet" standard.

Oh, and I am in love with Wolf Parade. Can't stop listening. You can hear clips on their MySpace page (am not sure how I feel about MySpace yet, actually... yes, MySpace is the new Friendster but fuck, I barely use Friendster as it is and MySpace has many many many many more emo teens. Sigh).


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