rants & ramblings

Monday, October 24, 2005

James Blunt, Coldplay

Yes, yes, matter of taste, but I just don't understand the appeal of the cracked falsetto growling of singers like James Blunt, especially in the current emo context that has evolved into the mainstream. Sigh. It all seems over-earnest and manufactured, much moreso than someone like Damien Rice, who is inarguably over-earnest but at least comes off as relatively sincere as far as vocal presentation.

Apparently James B was outselling the new Coldplay at some point in England. That really, really, really surprised me. Not because I'm a huge fan of Coldplay (Coldplay is what it is; I accept it, enjoy it, but don't give them more musical credit than they deserve), but because someone so damn whiny could overtake a guaranteed superseller like X&Y (which was selling at Starbucks, for chrissake).


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